
Is It Sinful To Date A Non-Christian?

Jason Lee is a data analyst with a passion for studying online dating, relationships, personal growth, healthcare, and finance. In 2008, Jason earned a Bachelors of Science from the University of Florida, where he studied business and finance and taught interpersonal communication. His work has been featured in the likes of The USA Today, MSN, NBC, FOX, The Motley Fool, Net Health, and The Simple Dollar. As a business owner, relationship strategist, dating coach, and officer in the U.S. military, Jason enjoys sharing his unique knowledge base with the rest of the world. Elizabeth Loke is a high school English teacher in a suburban government school in Melbourne.

One of the more popular questions we hear about religious dating is whether or not dating a non-Christian is a good or a bad idea. If your identity is in Christ alone, then your life will automatically come into conflict with your non-believing girlfriend or boyfriend. My experience of dating a non believer with the hope of changing them is soooo painful.

It’s a way to bring others to Christ and help Him be known. There’s no harm in dating to convert right? Free Christian dating sites, dating apps, social and community groups and even Christian speed dating events are several available ways to able to meet someone.

Is Online dating for Christians allowed according to the Bible?

Well, when you get to the next section where we look at what the Bible says about dating a non-Christian, you’ll see that they’re going to have some good grounds to bring it up. Especially when you watch every one of your friends get married or start a family. Or when you’re invited out with the couples so you can watch the kids.

I remember these moments as me being brave because I feared the judgement to come from others. Some gave sceptical glances, others a string of questions asking whether it is safe, legitimate, or even godly. Some conversations were pleasant, others hurtful.

She finds great joy in the relationships she builds with both her students and colleagues. She considers herself blessed to have wonderful Christian mentors throughout her life whom God has used to nurture her faith in Jesus Christ. Outside of work, Elizabeth spends her time struggling with reformer pilates, adult ballet classes, and a never-ending pile of books she thought would be great reads.

After ten years at Grace Christian Community church, she is now engaged to Johnny and together they are new members at City on a Hill East. When married, there will be great tensions as to whether they get a cat or a dog, for she is definitely a dog-person. Perhaps even on days when you’re feeling brave, speak more openly. After a year of being on and off dating apps, I shared nervously with my church small group that I was going on a first date.

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” My question for you is then why are you dating? Take some time to truly evaluate your purpose and reason behind dating. This is what happens when you date an unbeliever. Though you may be firm in your beliefs, this person is still a huge part of your life. Therefore, whether you meet them at your church or through a site shouldn’t matter as long as who you are connecting with is in align with God’s word. If you enter into a relationship with a non-Christian man or woman, you can’t guarantee that they’re ever going to convert.

I’d never thought of this much until I met a woman who had never married. Neither her sister,until her 50s and to a nonbeliever. I’ve seen a stat that Christians are less then 30 percent of the worlds population now. I think we should be counseling believers these days they may not find someone in our culture as it is and christianity stats are diminishing. The only choice is to remain single in these situations. If you are under this temptation, it is far better for you, for me, and for any other christian, to rather stay single, than have such a condemnation upon us.

My experience was so traumatic I’m even afraid to see nor hear that man’s voice. We must remind ourselves that God wants us to have a godly believer. An unbeliever may turn out to be a judgement from God upon us, if we choose to seek unbelievers. I have seen it happen, and I would caution against it. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives.

Chances are that some of you are here because you’ve already met someone who isn’t a Christian and maybe you’ve even been dating for a while already. But if you haven’t met someone yet or you’re on the fence about committing to someone who isn’t a Christian, we’d like to recommend something. We want you to know that you don’t have to journey alone. If you need prayer or a listening ear about the struggles in your dating life, we have confidential and free mentors ready to help!

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That’s what elders have to be prepared to hear. It can be easy to take up unbelievers as a “project” especially if they’re attractive, but it’s not healthy to have this viewpoint. This is different from sharing the gospel with others like we’re called to do. These situations can be difficult, but there’s the same answer for one. Though the Bible does not say much about dating, because it wasn’t a thing in Biblical times, we know that the reason for a man and woman to come together is because of marriage.

When christian women start getting impatient, or become too picky, and can’t find someone, then you start thinking of pairing with an unbeliever. But that’s not what God commands us to do. We Christians try to accommodate a non believer as a spouse thinking they will be saved through us and through our conduct.